Our home page gives you an insight on the history of Imperial Train Company. Imperial Train Company had been operated as a “brick and mortar” business located in Imperial PA for the last 15 years. To be closer to family, we have recently relocated from Imperial PA (the Pittsburgh area) to Rockwall Texas (the Dallas area). On July 11, 2020 we will officially begin operating as a “web only” business. We will continue to offer a diverse and unique variation of hobby model trains. Imperial Train Company offers a variety of categories and scales of model train items to include, because of our Pittsburgh PA heritage, Pittsburgh Steelers items, regional Pittsburgh area items, and our EXCLUSIVE Montour Railroad items. We also carry a large variety of Christmas and other holiday items and an array of model train accessories.
Making a purchase could not be easier. Just browse our Catalog, and click on any items that you wish to buy and put them into the shopping cart. Finished your selection, click on “Order” and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to satisfy the order.
Home page
Please visit us online at www.imperialtrainco.net